3d warehouse trimble
3d warehouse trimble

3d warehouse trimble

Click the Get Model button on the object page.Once you have found a model for your project, open its page. Use thumbnails and hyperlinks in the browser to navigate, or use the search box. The interface of the browser is described below. Trimble 3D Warehouse™ page will be open in a pop-up browser window. Click the Trimble 3D Warehouse button in the tool bar or choose the Window > Trimble 3D Warehouse menu item.To import a 3D model directly from Trimble 3D Warehouse™: You need to have Internet connection to import objects directly from Trimble 3D Warehouse™ since it is located on a web server.

3d warehouse trimble

Live Interior 3D supports integration with Trimble 3D Warehouse™. You can also change the orientation of an If the imported object is a door or a window, you should specify this in the Type and Representation dialog. To open it, choose the Type and Representation item in the Edit menu. To change the properties of an already imported object, use the Type and Live Interior 3D supports importing Trimble SketchUp™ models by dragging and dropping them from a folder on your hard disk into the Live Interior 3D project. menu command as described in the Importing Objects section. To import an object in the Trimble SketchUp™ format, use the File > Import 3D Object. Importing Trimble SketchUp™ Objects Start of Help | Index > Working with Objects

3d warehouse trimble