It’s so bad that Wily’s own robots have turned against him, and the evil doctor is forced to come to Dr. The game begins with the standard thin-as-paper plotline: a dangerous virus, Robotenza, has gripped Mega Man’s hometown. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, of course. In doing so, Mega Man 10 becomes a more accessible, but far sillier, kind of Mega Man game. While it tones down the difficulty a great deal, it also pays homage to the gimmicky level design and bosses that populated the later Mega Man games. Nobody expected Capcom to greenlight another entry in the series, but greenlight it they did-Mega Man 10 was recently released for WiiWare. Mega Man 9 had all that stuff in spades-you may remember my review-but one could reasonably complain that developer Inti Creates made the game too hard given the vast amount of time that had passed since Mega Man 3, which was the last time a core Mega Man game was so difficult. The NES games have always held a certain sway, not just for their brutal difficulty, but also their streamlined design, brilliant level layouts, and wonderful characters. ‘Twas an exciting announcement for Mega Man fans like me.

I was just as surprised as you were when Capcom announced that Mega Man 9 would appear on WiiWare, complete with NES-era graphics and sound.